DIY Centerpiece Out Of Hangers


We present you how to make a centerpiece for your home, out of reused hangers. It is ideal to decorate any kind of tables and environments. If you like to make your own decorations, then this centerpiece is a must do. The materials you’ll need are the following: Hangers, colored varnish, round blades, screws, screw covers and universal glue. Begin with disarming the hangers. You will need 4 hangers for this project. Paint the round pieces with the colored varnish and let them dry for a few minutes. Make two holes in the center of the pieces, a four-time puncture and put two hangers to one side, making the other two hangers by making 3 more holes, 2 on the sides and 1 at the center. The next step is to take the round blades and cut 5 equal pieces.

Fix the centerpiece with the help of screws, place the two hangers with only two holes on the sides and then the two hangers with five holes to the center and connect them with round blades. At the end cover with the screw covers. Before finishing, fix together the center of the piece with the help of the universal glue. And there you have it, a unique and handmade centerpiece that will look nice on any table.

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